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Anniversary Colloquium

Kenna Partners marked a significant milestone with its 30th Anniversary Colloquium held on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at the Eko Hotels & Suites in Lagos. The event gathered prominent public and private sector figures, legal practitioners and distinguished guests, to deliberate on the theme “Reforming the Socio-political and Economic Environment of Business in Nigeria: The Imperative for Governance.”

The colloquium, which was a platform for intellectual discourse and reflection on the critical role of governance in driving socio-political and economic transformation, had Mr. Gbenga Oyebode, MFR as the Chairman, while the keynote address was delivered by Professor Mervyn King, SC, formerly of the South African Supreme Court. Professor King’s, SC, address was themed: “Corporate Reporting & Governance – Quo Vadis”

There was also a panel session on the theme of the day that featured former Vice Chancellor of the Pan-Atlantic University, Professor Juan Elegido; tech entrepreneur, Mrs. Nkemdilim Uwaje-Begho; Distinguished Silk, Professor Abiola Sanni, SAN; and moderated by Ms. Nimma Jo-Madugu.