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Kenna Partners Joins Aifa Reading Society To Celebrate World Literacy Day

On September 8, 2021, Kenna Partners joined AIFA Reading Society,  and the rest of the world to commemorate International Literacy Day with various activities aimed at creating awareness on the importance of literacy to sustainable development in Nigeria.

The Society featured on live radio and television broadcasts to create awareness of the importance of literacy in Nigeria while emphasising bridging the gap in the digital divide brought to the limelight through the COVID-19 pandemic. AIFA Book Club sessions were also held for friends of the Society as well as young professionals.

During the AIFA Book Club held for some young professionals as part of the activities to mark the International Literacy Day, Professor Fabian Ajogwu, SAN, Principal Partner of Kenna Partners and Fellow of the AIFA Reading Society, encouraged attendees to be deliberate about reading and to encourage others around them to do the same. He reminded all of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights — given that UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 calls for inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities, and since every functional society is built on quality education as literacy is the door to the development of such society. He encouraged all in attendance to support the improvement of literacy in Nigeria, as this will lead to Nigerians discovering, revitalizing, inventing unexplored horizons.

AIFA Reading Society, supported by Kenna Partners and Central Securities Clearing System Plc, celebrates literacy as a means of empowering people. Literacy is an integral part of education and lifelong learning, as outlined by Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

AIFA Reading Society has reached over 70,000 children and adults in Nigeria through its various initiatives including Book Donation Scheme, Young Writers’ Awards, Calculate to Succeed, AIFA Book Club, and Spreading Cheer. The Society plans to increase its reach in Nigeria as it addresses gaps in the educational sector.

Click here to learn more about AIFA Reading Society.


Source: BusinessDay

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