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Social Responsibility

At Kenna Partners, we understand that a responsible business must take into account its impact on the wider community and environment. For this reason, we have made Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) an integral component of our activities and have established several initiatives to empower and uplift our community.

Leveraging our strong network of partnerships with various non-governmental associations, corporates, donors, civil societies and volunteers, we have been able to implement and support initiatives that tackle a wide range of issues.

Our Commitments

We are committed to attaining the following standards by 2025

Reduced carbon footprint by 10%
Reduced paper & plastic consumption by 20%
Total renewable energy transition at offices

Kenna Partners has taken up several initiatives aimed at positively impacting the environment. These initiatives are geared at reducing the carbon footprint of not only the firm but also of its members.

As a responsible corporate organization, Kenna Partners understands its role in promoting the well-being and prosperity of society. We recognise the importance of giving back to society and are committed to social responsibility.

Donation of Educational Aids to Edward Blyden Memorial Nursery and Primary School, Lagos by Kenna Partners and AIFA Reading Society